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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
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CustomerCenter > Bid Information > Pre-Bid Information > Comments on Sole Source Contract 목록 -Notice No., Notice Date, Contract Title, No. of Opinion, Status
Notice No. Notice Date Contract Title Status
KCN17-14 2017-03-14 Evaluation of Core Protection Methodology for Neutron Instruments for a Conceptual Small Modular Reactor Close
KC17-13 2017-03-13 Technical Consulting Service on Joint Project, CANDU Whole-Site PSA Close
KC17-12 2017-03-09 Contract for Conulting Services on conceptual design for reactor pressure vessel column elimination Close
KC 17-11 2017-03-06 2017-2020 SpectraSA Annual Maintenance Close
KC 17-10 2017-03-06 Thermoflow software long-term license(for 3 years) Close
KC 17-09 2017-03-07 Software Maintenance (for Bentley Microstation & Other 20 Products) Close
KC 17-08 2017-03-07 License Renewal for SCADE Close
KC 17-07 2017-03-07 PepS Maintenance Agreement Close
KC 17-06 2017-03-03 2nd Offshore Training Service for Surface Disposal Design, Construction, Operation and Safety Close
KC 17-08 2017-02-19 Fire Protection Engineering Consulting Service-KRN 1 Decommissioning Support Close

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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