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New Start, New Standard
Quality Management

ESG ManagementQuality Management

KEPCO E&C, with the company’s philosophy, “Humaneering, which is the harmony of human, environment, and technology” that contributes to increasing the happiness for humans, to achieve our vision, “Global Leading Energy Solution Partner”, has the company’s quality policy, “Improvement of Performance for Quality Management and Acquirement of Global Capability for Quality” and pursues quality activities that complies with relevant laws and customers’ requests, and remain true its cardinal principles.

KEPCO E&C implements the following principles to achieve its quality policy.

  • Complying with the relevant laws and customer requirements
  • Complying with principles and basics and prioritizing quality and safety values
  • Full understanding, strict compliance, and incorporation of the integrated management system into daily life
  • Actively engaging in voluntary participation and preventive activities for continuous improvement and performance enhancement
  • Performance measurement and goal achievement to achieve zero defects in products and services and improve customer satisfaction
Going forward, we will continue our best effort to materialize the customer-driven values by entrenching the customer-driven culture company-wide and sustainable quality improvement. By doing so, KEPCO E&C will grow as one of the Global Top 5 EPC leaders. Through continuous technology development, enhancement of capabilities, and quality improvements, KEPCO E&C will devote ourselves to provide the best technological service to the customers, and will grow and develop into “a company pursuing customer satisfaction and prosperity of humans by leading the energy industry based on the advancement of power plant engineering technology.”

Quality Goals

  • Achieve Zero Defect in the Products and Services
  • Achieve the Best Customer Satisfaction (100%)
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