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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
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CustomerCenter > Bid Information > Pre-Bid Information > Comments on Sole Source Contract 목록 -Notice No., Notice Date, Contract Title, No. of Opinion, Status
Notice No. Notice Date Contract Title Status
KC-15-29 2015-04-09 Development of a Test Facility for the Performance Test of an In-Vessel Control Element Drive Mechanism Close
KC-15-28 2015-04-04 Development of Code Case for Application of SB-148 C95800 to Class 3 Valves Close
KC-15-27 2015-04-01 Site Evaluation for the Nuclear Power Plant in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Close
KC-15-26 2015-03-25 (Software Maintenance) PepS Close
KC-15-25 2015-03-18 (Software) OPTIMOOR DYNAMIC Close
KC-15-24 2015-03-17 Maintenance for Plantwave PSDS ELEC Close
KC-15-23 2015-03-17 Software Maintenance for STAAD Pro Close
KC-15-22 2015-03-17 Software Maintenance for AutoPIPE Close
KC-15-21 2015-03-16 Maintenance for Bentley SACS Close
KC-15-20 2015-03-16 Maintenance for AutoPIPE Nuclear Close

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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