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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
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CustomerCenter > Bid Information > Pre-Bid Information > Comments on Sole Source Contract 목록 -Notice No., Notice Date, Contract Title, No. of Opinion, Status
Notice No. Notice Date Contract Title Status
KC-15-19 2015-03-16 Annual Maintenance for Bentley AutoPIPE Close
KC-15-18 2015-03-16 Technical Consulting Services for Explosion-Proof Design of Hydrogen Process System in Nuclear Steam Supply System Close
KC-15-17 2015-03-13 Purchase of Homer Pro Close
KC-15-16 2015-03-12 Software Maintenance for Spectra SA Close
KC 15-15 2015-03-11 Technical Consulting Service for Internal Flood PRA During LPSD for BNPP Close
KC-15-14 2015-03-09 Maintenance Agreement for SCADE Close
KC-15-13 2015-03-09 Purchase of ST PRO/ST MASTER, THERMOFLEX, PEACE Close
KC-15-12 2015-03-09 Maintenance Agreement for GT PRO/GT MASTER, ST PRO/ST MASTER, THERMOFLEX, PEACE Close
KC-15-11 2015-03-09 Maintenance Agreement for Microstation & I/RASB Close
KC-15-10 2015-03-06 Consulting Services for Establishment of Design Environment for Application of an Alternative Piping Analysis program to Piping Design of SHN 3&4 Project. Close

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