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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
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CustomerCenter > Bid Information > Pre-Bid Information > Comments on Sole Source Contract 목록 -Notice No., Notice Date, Contract Title, No. of Opinion, Status
Notice No. Notice Date Contract Title Status
KC11-016 2011-05-18 Consulting Services for ULCHIN 1,2 Drain Recovery Pump Assessment at power Uprate Condition Close
KC11-015 2011-05-03 Sand Storm characterization for BNPP Project Close
KC11-014 2011-04-29 Contract for Consulting Services for MUR Power Uprate of Kori Nuclear Power Plant Units 3&4 Close
KC11-013 2011-04-28 Technical Support and Consultation for US-APR1400 DCD PRA Close
KC-012 2011-04-11 Contract for Consulting Services for Integrated Head Assembly (IHA) of WEC Type NPP Close
KC11-011 2011-04-04 Consulting Services on Probabilistic Risk Assessment for BNPP 1&2 License Application Close
KC11-010 2011-04-01 Aircraft Impact Assessment for UAE BNPP 1&2 Close
KC11-009 2011-03-31 Technical consultation for CFT design and SC module fabrication Close
KC11-008 2011-03-16 In-Depth Assessment of Sand Beach Breakwaters at BNPP Projec Close
KC11-007 2011-03-10 Technical consulting for License of Severe Accident Close

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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