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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
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CustomerCenter > Bid Information > Pre-Bid Information > Comments on Sole Source Contract 목록 -Notice No., Notice Date, Contract Title, No. of Opinion, Status
Notice No. Notice Date Contract Title Status
KC10-007 2010-04-27 Consulting Services for Aircraft Impact Assessment of APR 1400 Close
KC10-006 2010-03-30 Consulting Services on the Sizing of Pressurizer for APR+ Close
KC10-005 2010-03-19 Contract for consulting services for Automatic Seismic Trip System Close
KC10-004 2010-03-10 Geological Investigation for ENP 1&2 Site Close
KC10-003 2010-02-22 Technical consultation of LBB(Leak-Before-Break) application for main steam line in APR+ Close
KC10-002 2010-02-03 Technical Consultation Services on Seismic Analysis of Advance Nuclear Power Plant(NPP) Close
KC10-001 2010-01-28 Purchase Aspen Plus License Close

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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