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Comments on Sole Source Contract

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CustomerCenter > Bid Information > Pre-Bid Information > Comments on Sole Source Contract 목록 -Notice No., Notice Date, Contract Title, No. of Opinion, Status
Notice No. Notice Date Contract Title Status
437 2021-03-24 Technical Support for At Power & Low Power Shutdown Level 2 PSA for SKN5&6 Close
436 2021-02-23 Technical Consultation on Shin-Kori 1&2 NPP Safe Shutdown Analysis/Multiple Spurious Operations Analysis Close
435 2021-02-09 Hydraulic Study for Submerged Intake Systems due to Installation of the Bar Screens on the Velocity Caps of SHN1&2 Close
434 2021-01-15 Technical Consulting Services for Accident Occupational Radiation Exposure Close
433 2020-12-14 The Development for Reference Source Term, The Detail Analysis for Severe Accident and The Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis for Low-Power Shutdown Probabilistic Safety Assessment Close
432 2020-09-15 Technical Consulting Service on Generation of Coherency Model Suitable for Korean NPP Sites Close
431 2020-08-25 Technical Consulting Service for Modification of Bottom Ash Handling System for Feasibility Study of Environmental Facility Retrofit of Dang-Jin #5~10 Thermal Power Plant Close
430 2020-08-07 Purchase of Bently Software License Close
429 2020-08-07 Technical Consultation on Development of the Mitigation Strategies and Extensive Damage Mitigation Guideline(EDMG) Guidelines for Loss of Large Area(LOLA) due to Large Fire and Explosions for SKN 5&6 Close
428 2020-07-28 Fire Protection Engineering Consulting Service for Wolsung Unit 1 Close

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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