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New Start, New Standard
Organizations for SMEs

ESG ManagementOrganizations for SMEs
Organization for win-win growth support

Enhancing the efficiency of cooperation activities through the company-wide support system

An organization dedicated to win-win growth

  • Procurement Department

    Support for business development and sales channel expansion

    • Opinion gathering and process enhancement
    • Building a fair trade environment infrastructure
  • Human Resource Development & Training Center

    Operating supplier capacity-building projects

    Developing and operating human resources’ training programs

  • Human Resources Department

    Support for business development and sales channel expansion

    Signing MOU for employment connection

  • Technology Management Office

    Operating technical support projects

    Managing intellectual property rights such as joint patents

  • Division/Group

    Support for business development and sales channel expansion

    • Joint project development and orders
    • Managing mid-term product purchase performance for Divisions/Groups
  • Co-prosperity & Labor Department

    • Establish a Plan and Operate Supporting Business
  • Treasury Department

    Operation of financial support projects

    • Operating loan systems such as network loans
    • Cash and early payment of external consideration